Sunday 6 March 2016

Top 30 angularjs interview questions

1.       What is AngularJs?
AngularJs is a JavaScript framework which we use to create highly scalable client application & simplifies the binding of JS object with HTML elements. It extends the syntax of HTML to express application components. It extends the HTML extension using the attributes e.g. ng-
<div ng-app>
Angular JS provides many attributes which extend the feature but all of them start with ng-.

2.       What is the key features of AngularJs
AngularJs come with lots of flexibility and features like:
a.       Two way data bindings
b.      Scope
c.       Follow MVC patterns
d.      Injectable Types (like Service, factory, Providers)
e.      Directive
f.        Filters

To see the description of above features please see the next questions.
3.       What is 2 way databindings in AngularJS?
There are two way of data binding the binding the model from view to controller and Controller to view.
<script type="text/javascript">
                     // Setter method
              var demoApp = angular.module('demoApp', []);

                     // Getter method
                     demoApp.controller('DemoController', function( $scope ){
                           $scope.dep = "Software";


Binding it to model by:
<input name="test" type=”text” ng-model="dep" />

4.       What is Directives in AngularJS ?
Directives are declared in the HTML elements. All directive start with the “ng”.
e.g. Simple ng-model.
<input name="test" type=”text” ng-model="dep" />

5.       What is Scope in AngularJs?
$scope is work like“glue” between Controller and View.

It provides observers to watch for model changes.

6.       What is MVC pattern in AngularJS?
AngularJS works under MVW patterns (Model, View and whatever patterns). Now if you will see the model, vmiew and controller part than, it is like you are defining  Model with Module and Controller  as

// Defing Modules
              var demoApp = angular.module('demoApp', []);

                     // Defining the controllers
                     demoApp.controller('DemoController', function( $scope ){
                           $scope.dep = "Software";

7.       What is Modules?
A module is work as global namespace. It helps to bootstrap the application.  It works as container for different part of our app.

// Defing Modules
              var demoApp = angular.module('demoApp', []);

Module will bind to view  using ng-app=”myapp”
<html ng-app="demoApp">

8.       What is controller?
A controller is defined by JavaScript Constructor function. Controller is a function that binds objects to the particulars storage or containers.
Controller is attached to DOM via the ng-controller directives.
Initializing the controller with in JavaScript with module as

demoApp.controller('DemoController', function( $scope ){
                           $scope.dep = "Software";

Use the controller for:
a.  Setup the initial state & $scope object.
b.  Add Behavior for $scope object.              

9.       Can we have Nested Controller?
Yes we can derive nested controller.
You can use the nested controller like:

<div class="cont" ng-controller="CarController">
                    My name is {{ name }} and I am a {{ type }}
                    <div ng-controller="BMWController">
                        My name is {{ name }} and I am a {{ type }}
                        <div ng-controller="BMWMotorcycleController">
                            My name is {{ name }} and I am a {{ type }}

10.   What is the application flow of AngularJs?
Make the use of special directive of ng-app in HTML attributes. Once it find the ng-app in the html page it start treating the application into special manner and treating the page as AngularJs page than it will check for ng-controller which will defined the scope for an object.
Now after words it will check with other ng- attributes in the application and change the behavior based on the logic of ng- attributes use in the html tags.

11.   What is AngularJS service?
Service, Factories and providers are all injectable types.
An AngularJs service encapsulates specific business logic & exposes an API to be used by other components to invoke this logic.

e.g. $timeout service executes function after specifies interval. $http service encapsulates the logic required to interact with REST backbends.

AngularJS service is always Singleton.

Service is registered using service function of angular.module().
The Second argument to service() is a constructor function to inject the service.

       var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []);

       //service style, probably the simplest one
       myApp.service('helloWorldFromService', function() {
           this.sayHello = function() {
               return "Hello, World!"

12.   What is factory method ?
Factory method is same as service method but it is more robust than service and you can expose only that logic which you want to expose.

       //factory style, more involved but more sophisticated
       myApp.factory('helloWorldFromFactory', function() {
           return {
               sayHello: function() {
                   return "Hello, World!"

Difference between factory and service is factory exposes logic on return type but in service you will access logic directly by service name and function name.

13.   What is provider method in AngularJs?
A provider is most configurable and verbose version of service because its based on prior setting and logic.
e.g. the built in $route service may behave differently based on Mode(Html mode or hashbag mode) you can configured in $route.Provider

       //provider style, full blown, configurable version    
       myApp.provider('helloWorld', function() {

  = 'Default';

           this.$get = function() {
               var name =;
               return {
                   sayHello: function() {
                       return "Hello, " + name + "!"

           this.setName = function(name) {
      = name;

       //we can configure a provider!           

14.   What is value and constant in AngularJs?
Value is an injectable type that is used to register simple service which can be a string, number, array or function.
e.g. you want to give a version number for website use value service using the value(0 function  of angular.Module()
       angular.module("myapp").value("appvesrion", "1.0");

Constant: A constant is an injectable type that is the same as a value except that it can be injected into Module.Config(). Register constant by calling Constant().
angular.module("myapp").constant("Data_Source", "a String here");

15.   What is main core directive of AngularJs ?
Ng-app : which will bootstrap the application as angular application.
Ng-Model : It bind the model or value to the html input controls
Ng-Bind : it bind the Model or value to the Html Tag.

16.   What is ng-init directive?
It initializes the model value for your view.
<div ng-init="qty=1;cost=2">

17.   What is ng-repeat?
It is using for repeating the object collection and bind to the view.
            <li data-ng-repeat="customer in customers">
                {{ }} - {{}}
18.   What is ng-if directive do?
Ng-if  directive removes or recreate a portion of the DOM tree based on an {expression}.
If ng-if is false than the control not create the DOM.

<div ng-if="show">
                <h1>Dynamic DOM based on condition</h1>
                Data is : {{ sdata.val }}
                <input ng-model="data " type="text" />

19.    What is Ng-Show?
Ng-show directives shows or hides the given HTML elements based on expression provided to ng-show attributes.

e.g.     <div ng-show="show"> show the value </div>

20.   What is difference in ng-if and ng-show?
Ng-if completely removes and recreates the elements in the DOM rather than changing its visibility via the display CSS property.

21.   What is ng-disabled?
It used to make control enable and disabled based on the expression.
<button ng-disabled=”isSubmittable” > Click Me </button>

22.   What is ng-option?
The ng-options attributes can be used to dynamically generated list of <option> elements for the <select> element using array of object.

Here, select as will bind the result of the select expression to the model.

e.g. $scope.items = [{
id =1,
label = ‘Satya’},
id = 2
label =’rathore’}];

<select ng-option=”item as item.label for item in items track by ></select>
<select ng-option=”item.Label for item in items /></select>

23.   What is ng-class ?
Ng-class directive allows you to dynamically set the css – class on and Html element based o the expression.

24.   What is ng-href  ?
Using angular markup like {{#}} as in href cause issue and redirect to 4040 error as it treat as new url. To resolve that problem need to use ng-href
< a href=”#”> Link 1 </a> // wrong
<a ng-href=”#”>Link 2 </a> // correct

25.   What is ng-include?
Fetches, compile and includes an external HTML fragment.
We can embedded it into HTML page using ng-include.
<div ng-include=”main.html”></div>

In addition the browser same origin policy and cross domain resource sharing policy may further restrict whether the template is success fully loaded.

e.g. ng-include won’t work for cross domain request on all browser.

26.   What is ng-click?
It is used to fire the click event of any control in AngularJs.

<button ng-click="sendDown()">Send Down</button>
scope.sendDown = function() {
Window.Alert(“I am clicked”);

27.   What is ng-blur?
Blur event fires when an elements has lost its focus.

28.   How to use ng-switch ?
As switch is just the extension of if and else condition on the same line we can use ng-switch in AngularJs.
The ng-switch directive is used to conditionally swap DOM structure on your template based on condition of scope object.
<div ng-switch on=”value” >
<div ng-switch-when=”Home”>Home </div>
<div ng-switch-when=”About”>About </div>
<div ng-switch-when=”Contact”>Contact </div>

29.   What is template in Angular?
Templates are written with HTML that contains Angular specific elemets and attributes.
That will renders to your dynamic view and it can be see by user in browser.
It contains below attributes as
-          Directive
-          Markup
-          Filters
-          Form Control
30 What are filters?
Angularjs provide many built in filters which will enhance the output.  E.g.
Lowercase – which converts your output string to lowercase.
Uppercase – which converts your output string to uppercase
Currency – it converts into currency.

1 comment:

  1. .Greetings Mate,

    Love it absolutely! So crystalline. No mumbo jumbo. No non-sense. Straight and simple. You guys need a standing ovation for your good work.

    how to fix this problem ?
    "because its MIME type ('text/html') is not a supported stylesheet MIME type, and strict MIME checking is enabled"

    Once again thanks for your tutorial.

    Thank you,
    Irene Hynes
