Thursday 30 April 2015

entity framework insert update delete

As in previous article explained that how we can create the entity frame work classes and how we can use it. 
Refer below link for the same;

Now in This Session will explain you how to perform the insert update delete operation in entity framework.

Suppose you have the table like below

Monday 27 April 2015

Entity framework in

Microsoft make our life easier to provide the Entity frame work and release us to use the traditional way to use the database connectivity. It provides an O/RM framework called "Entity Framework" to automate database.

By Entity Framework in, developer’s can queries using LINQ, then retrieve, Insert, Update and manipulate data as strongly typed objects. 

Entity Framework can be useful on any type of architecture opted by you either is code first approach or data driven approach.

 In Code first approach either you can have all the code views or by this you want to create the data base.

In Data Driven approach you have database ready and by which you want to create the classes that will interact with the database.

I am going to demonstrate the Data driven approach. It’s really good for beginners for starting the entity framework.

11 Steps to create Entity Framework and work with it.

1.       Suppose you have data base with below given table.

Monday 20 April 2015

WebMatrix.WebData.dll into project

Including the WebMatrix.WebData.dll into the project.
I was trying it to Nuget Package to get the WebMatrix.WebData.dll but it is not getting. To get that WebMatrix.WebData.Dll into your solution you need to install it from package manager.
Open the package manager by;

Tuesday 14 April 2015

dbcontext in mvc in not defined (mvc)

I was also facing the same problem DBContext is not Getting for MVC Model and trying in the different approach.

Added the System.Data.Entity.dll from reference but it is not working and getting as;

Tuesday 7 April 2015

Encryption and decryption password in c#

Encrypting the password before string to the database, it’s more often that if there is plain string there is chances of hack your system by Hackers.  It will be tough for them to crack it if the password is looking like weird charter symbols.
e.g. If you store the password “test1234” to database and it will store  like; g+yC22ZOR8iB5gdYvhkZcQ==

Sharing you the simple method which is using the MD5 algorithm to encrypt the password and any provided string. MD5CryptoServiceProvider class return the hash as an array of 16 bytes.

Chart control in

Introducing the Graph/chart control of Microsoft in ASP.Net. Which will help to make your reporting beautiful for Web application application.