Saturday, 22 March 2014

How to filter dataset in c# ?

How can we filter in Dataset ?  How can we do the sorting in Dataset ?

Microsoft make it easy and provide the Dataview. To use of Dataview object, which is specifically designed for sorting and filtering rows and can be used as a Datasource in its own right. So we can bind a Datagrid  column in customized "View".
We can set an instance of Dataview object from the default view property of our DataTable. Than we can set its sort & row filter property.

DataView Dv = dst.Tables[0].DefaultView; //Dst is Dataset where collection of emplyee present
Dv.RowFilter = "Username like 'bob%'"// Filter the Username start with Bob
Dv.Sort = "DateJoined DESC"// desc order by datejoined

How to Filter Datatable? How to filter Datatable?

it is same like above, instead of dataset use datatable.
 DataView Dv = dat.DefaultView; //Dst is Dataset where collection of emplyee present
  Dv.RowFilter = "Username like 'bob%'"// Filter the Username start with Bob
 Dv.Sort = "DateJoined DESC"// desc order by datjoined 

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